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Purrfect Tips For Choosing Kitty Furniture

August 15 2024

Do you have a kitty tower for your feline friend? Cats are really good at making themselves at home. Fluffy isn’t exactly shy about stretching out or cuddling up on your bed, chair, sofa, table, laptop, lap, floor, or whatever else she can fit on. One reason that kitties are so easy to care for is that they spend most of their time sleeping and will snooze on almost anything. However, these endearing balls of fur both enjoy and benefit from having a few objects that they don’t have to share with their humans. A local Pahrump, NV vet offers some tips on picking Fluffy’s things in this article. 

Does Fluffy Really Need A Bed?

Given Fluffy’s propensity for dozing up to 20 hours each day, it’s no surprise that mattresses are high on her list of favorite things. (Fluffy will sleep in a pizza box, a lasagna pan, or a plant pot, but that’s another subject.) Store-bought beds are fantastic, but you can also make your own. You can also enhance purrs by placing folded blankets on a chest or ottoman.

Why Are Cats So Weirdly Obsessed With Boxes?

We can’t discuss cat furniture without including boxes. Fluffy feels safest in tiny, enclosed surroundings, according to the official hypothesis. This appears logical because nothing can surprise them. That argument, however, dissolves when you see images of our feline friends shoving themselves into enclosures that are either too large, too small, or nothing more than a square limit of tape.

How Do I Choose A Purrfect Cat Tower?

The cat tower is the gold standard of feline furnishings. Choosing a scratching post or tower isn’t too difficult, but there are a few things to consider.

Sturdiness: You’ll require something sturdy. Fluffy’s tower should be able to withstand a range of high-energy kitty antics, such as your furry bestie leaping onto the tower or propelling herself up it at fast speeds. Of course, safety is the number one priority here, but there is another consideration. If your pet’s tower wobbles when she attempts to use it, she may become nervous. This is most likely instinctual as well. (It’s simple to see why our feline friends would have concluded that using an unsteady tree as a nail-care station would not work.) The tower should also be able to safely sustain your pet’s weight. 

Height: As previously said, our canine pals adore climbing to high places. In general, more is better.

Space: If you have more than one cat, find something that will accommodate all of them at once.

Ease Of Access: Consider your pet’s age when it comes to accessibility. While kittens can scramble to the top of a tower, an older cat will prefer something easier to get on and off.

How Many Towers Do Cats Actually Require?

We recommend at least one tree or tower for each kitty. There is no genuine upper limit in this case. Go ahead and get your furry little diva a dozen or more cat towers or trees! 

What Are Other Types Of Cat Furniture?

Fluffy may love cat towers and beds more than anything else, but these are far from the only options. In reality, you can get a wide range of adorable and interesting purrniture pieces for your feline.

Here are a couple of examples:

  • Window Seats: Does Fluffy have a preferred spot for looking out the window? While your pet will appreciate a luxury window seat, she will also be content with a space on an ottoman or recliner with a beautiful view. Your animal companion will appreciate having a view where she can sit, sunbathe, and enjoy local wildlife.
  • Wheels: You’ve probably seen the wheels that hamsters and gerbils use. They are also available in kitty sizes. This is a wonderful choice for a boisterous, active pet.
  • Shelves: If you genuinely want to spoil your furry friend, consider purchasing some shelves. Our feline friends often adore scampering about at high altitudes!
  • Concealed Litterbox Pieces: This one is about concealing functionality behind appearance. You can buy accessories developed specifically to conceal Fluffy’s purrsonal powder area. Upcycling allows you to be creative as well. You could, for example, upcycle an old dresser or desk to conceal the litter box. This is also applicable to trunks. The most important thing is to make sure your pet can go in and out. It should also be accessible for cleaning. There are many excellent examples and tips for this on the internet.

Be sure to ask your Pahrump, NV vet for more information on choosing pet furniture. 

Do I Have To Buy Cat Furniture?

You don’t need to clutter your home with Fluffy’s stuff. However, we do recommend that she have a few purrsonal possessions.

There are a few reasons for this.

Elevation: As you are probably aware, many of our feline friends prefer heights. Your pet will not have the best vantage point from ground level. You may also have noticed that kitties have a natural climbing aptitude. Fluffy’s claws are angled in such a way that she can readily scale things, such as trees and sofas. (Descending is a little tricky and must be learned, but that’s another tale.) Fluffy’s love of high places isn’t only because our feline companions enjoy having us gaze up at them adoringly, though they certainly don’t mind that. Kitties in the wild hunt and are hunted. They must remain constantly vigilant for predators and other threats. That is, of course, much easier when done from a high point.

Privacy: Everyone requires a private, peaceful place to escape to. That includes cats! Fluffy may need a break from your child, the dog, the vacuum cleaner, or simply the commotion of people moving back and forth.

Security: Trees serve various purposes for cats in the wild. They give Fluffy a safe haven to escape predators, and also provide a good viewpoint, napping spaces, and manicure stations. Cat towers act as tree substitutes, helping kitties feel more secure.

Napping Spots: This probably doesn’t need much explanation. Kitties are continuously looking for new sleeping spots! (Fluffy also views her owners as napping spots, but that is beside the point.)

Nail Care Stations: One of the few disadvantages of having a cat is that Fluffy may decide to do her nails on your furniture. Your pet is not trying to be destructive; she is only satisfying her instinct to keep her nails sharp. This is a clear example of ‘if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.” You won’t have much luck convincing your furry little diva to quit scratching her claws on your things, and you should never punish her for it. That will just confuse your cute pet and potentially make her scared of you. It’s much better to simply provide an excellent  manicure station. This protects your furnishings while also fulfilling your feline friend’s natural scratching need.

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