Walking Your Cat: Yay Or Nay?

Cats are all one-of-a-kind. Although many kitties prefer a sedentary lifestyle of naps and sunbathing, there are also plenty of feline explorers out there. As you may have noticed, we strongly advocate for keeping cats indoors. Fluffy is much safer inside, where she is protected from potential dangers like traffic, harsh weather conditions, and other animals. Walking your pet is a great way to provide her with the best of both worlds. Here are some helpful tips from a local Pahrump, NV veterinarian on how to properly walk your furry friend, Fluffy.

What Are the Advantages of Walking My Cat?

Walking is just as beneficial for Fluffy as it is for humans. Your cat will get some exercise, which is good for her both physically and mentally. When kittens are young, they are full of energy and constantly on the move. However, as they age, their activity levels significantly decrease.

Going for a walk will provide your furry companion with some mental stimulation as well. Ensuring your cat’s mental and emotional health is crucial for their overall well-being. Cats, just like humans, require enrichment in order to flourish. Fluffy has a great time sniffing around and discovering new places. Your inquisitive little pet will have a great time exploring and discovering new things!

Undoubtedly, it’s good for you, too. Exercise, fresh air, and sunlight are also beneficial for you. Plus, you’ll probably find yourself laughing at Fluffy’s adorable antics.

Is It A Good Idea To Take Your Cat For A Walk?

Although there are many advantages to walking Fluffy, it’s worth noting that not all cats are fond of going on walks. For a timid pet, going on a walk can be quite a frightening experience. 

It’s also important to take into account a few drawbacks. Once you’ve successfully trained Fluffy to wear a harness and go for walks, there’s no turning back. If your cat enjoys going for walks, she will probably want to go on them every day. It’s worth noting that your cat might develop a tendency to try and slip out the door. Some kitties do get a bit too fond of those strolls. 

Training Fluffy

You should never simply connect a leash to your feline buddy and expect her to run with you. Your furry friend will need to become accustomed to wearing a harness. When shopping, it’s best to avoid purchasing a harness that fastens the leash at the neck. Something with a back clip provides an added level of safety. Make sure that it fits comfortably. 

Begin by letting Fluffy wear the harness inside the house. You want her to form a positive association with the harness, so give her treats or toys she loves while she is wearing it. Your feline friend might initially plop down and stubbornly refuse to get up. That is acceptable! Give her some time to adjust.

Always supervise her when she is wearing it. It’s important to ensure she doesn’t get caught up in anything! Fluffy may seem a bit hesitant initially, but she should adapt quite rapidly. 

Now, it’s time to start attaching the leash. Let her pull it along behind her. She may also try to play with it or escape from it. Keep a close eye on her and make sure she doesn’t get into any trouble.

Once your feline friend feels at ease wearing the leash, you can take her outside.

Fluffy’s First Walk

First and foremost, before taking your cat for a stroll, make sure she is up to date on any vaccines and parasite control. Fluffy should also be microchipped and wearing identification tags. Adding a GPS or air tag to her harness is a wise precaution.

Start with a short walk. Just take your feline companion outside to the yard or sidewalk and allow her some time to adjust. She may be scared at first, but if she cries or wants to go inside, do not force her to stay outside.

Is It Dangerous For Kitties To Take Walks? 

There are some safety concerns associated with venturing outdoors. Fortunately, some foresight and a few precautions will help quite a bit here.

Certain cats are not well-suited for vigorous physical activity. Pets with brachycephalic features, like Persians, may experience difficulty breathing and can be more susceptible to heat-related issues. Senior cats may also find it challenging to cope with extreme temperatures. You also wouldn’t want to take a kitten out without making sure your vet has given the all-clear. Ask your veterinarian for guidance.

When you and Fluffy go out, be extra cautious. Avoid any possible dangers, such as cars, loose dogs, as well as any items on the sidewalk, hazardous plants, or other potential hazards. 

It’s important to use a short leash instead of a retractable one to ensure that your kitty stays near you.

Keep in mind that there are differences between walking a cat and walking a dog. Feel free to let your pet explore, as long as she stays within safe boundaries.

Be careful when approaching trees. Fluffy may try to climb one if she gets scared. This is very instinctive for kitties. Unfortunately, you may have a hard time getting her back down again. She could also get tangled up, which could be quite dangerous. 

We cannot emphasize enough the risks associated with allowing cats to roam freely. Always ensure that your cat is properly secured with a leash and harness before allowing her to go outside!

Is It A Good Idea To Take My Cat For A Stroll In A Stroller?

If you’re looking to go the extra mile, consider getting Fluffy a small stroller. This method has several benefits. Your pet will be kept safe and secure, shielded from any potential dangers. On the downside, she won’t get as much stimulation, and won’t get much of a workout. 

What If My Cat Doesn’t Enjoy Walks?

While some of our feline pals enjoy venturing out and accompanying their humans on adventures, others prefer to remain cozy and secure in their beds. Don’t force Fluffy to go out if she doesn’t want to.  If your cat is content to stay indoors, that’s perfectly alright.

Are There Any Other Activities That Can Help Keep My Cat Entertained?

Fluffy’s entertainment should not be limited to walks alone. Toys and playtime are essential for your cat’s overall health and happiness. Your cat will enjoy having various items to explore and climb around the house. While cat trees are certainly great, there are other options to keep your beloved pet entertained, such as providing them with empty boxes and newspaper tunnels. Window seats are a favorite among our feline companions. Ask your vet for more information. 

Conclusion: Walking can be a fun way for cats to get some exercise and stimulation. Just take proper precautions to keep your feline pal safe. Ask your Pahrump, NV vet for more information. 

Please Schedule An Appointment At Our Pahrump, NV Pet Clinic

Do you have any questions about walking your cat? Feel free to reach out to us, your Pahrump, NV pet hospital, whenever you need assistance. We are more than happy to assist!


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